Tuesday, October 23, 2012

All Smiles

It's crazy how fast Harper is growing.  A couple weeks ago she started smiling and she hasn't stopped since.  Her newest thing this week is that she loves to stand up (with our help of course) which is demonstrated in the 3rd video.   It is usually hard to get good video of her because as soon as she sees my phone she just stops and stares at it but somehow I got her to ignore it.    

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

You Be the Judge
Who Does Harper Look Like?

Harper is growing like a weed.  She is staying awake more and more during the day and her new favorite activity is smiling at mommy and daddy.  She also loves when mommy and daddy sing her to sleep so one thing is clear, we have a tone deaf kid.  The new question for everyone to ask or to speculate about is who does Harper look like?  We decided to let you be the judge.  Feel free to vote on the right side of the screen!